Monday, January 6, 2025

2025 Character Creation Challenge, Day 6: Kristen Shane Vassen, Marine

It's the sixth day of the 2025 Character Creation Challenge. Let's make another Mothership character! I'll be using the basic character sheet again so folks unfamiliar with Mothership can better follow along.

I've selected the Marine class this time around. And now, I move beyond the Alien franchise for inspiration. The idea for this Marine comes from the television series "Space: Above and Beyond" - one of many sci-fi shows canceled by Fox after only one season. Most of the characters on that show were young Marine aviators serving in the 58th "Wildcards" Fighter Squadron off the carrier USS Saratoga. I selected my second favorite character from the show for this post, as I didn't feel I could do Lieutenant Colonel Tyrus Cassius McQueen justice with a starting character. Kristen Vassen often goes by her middle name of Shane.

Kristen Shane Vassen, Marine

My rolls for Stats were alright, but Saves weren't as high as I would've liked. However, the adjustments from the Marine class helped offset my low rolls. The Health roll was also nothing to write home about.

Marines automatically get the skills Military Training and Athletics. Marines get a choice between one Expert Skill or two Trained Skills. The only two options for an Expert Skill are Firearms and Hand-To-Hand Combat. Both have appeal, but I have something else in mind for this character. There's no way to make Vassen a pilot like the Space: Above and Beyond character that inspired her, but I could take the prerequisite for Piloting: Zero-G. My other choice for a Trained Skill came down to Jury-Rigging. This gives Vassen the prerequisites for some interesting Expert Skills, if she survives long enough to get more skills.

The result for her loadout turned out well. Standard Battle Dress is good protection, a Pulse Rifle is one of the better weapons, and Infrared Goggles aren't bad. And, yes, the game uses the term "mags" rather than "clips" or anything else that might make firearms enthusiasts erupt with rage. I used her starting money to buy a combat knife (using the stats and cost for a scalpel) and 50m of paracord. This left her with 10cr for beer money.

Vassen's Trinket is the "PANIC: Harbinger of Catastrophe" manual. I'm sure it's full of useful advice. Her patch reads "Keep Well Lubricated" and I'm not going to leave a comment on it.

Kristen Shane Vassen comes from a family of Marines. She was already knowledgeable about Marine traditions and legends before she entered training. Unfortunately, her rosy view of the organization often clashed with the mundane reality. Her career has also been impacted by the high expectations her superiors have because of standards set by prior generations of Vassens. Kristen has held up well under these pressures. So far.

The TV Tropes entry for Space: Above and Beyond.

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