Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2025 Character Creation Challenge, Day 1: Captain Sulok, USS Phoenix

Welcome to the 2025 Character Creation Challenge! I introduced the concept in this post here. 31 days of January, 31 characters. What have I gotten myself into?

Starting off with Star Trek Adventures 1e. Why not 2e? I haven't had the chance to make the change while focusing my TTRPG efforts in other directions. I'll get to it.

I'm slowly assembling a Starfleet crew during this challenge. Among other things. Let's start with the captain.

Captain Sulok was born on Vulcan. He learned Vulcan philosophy from an early age and it guides his actions to this day. Whisked away along his parents' diplomatic travels, he learned to apply what he saw of other cultures to himself. Starfleet Academy instructors saw potential in Sulok's diplomatic background and guided him down the Command track. Those plans were derailed by the outbreak of the Dominion War. Sulok quickly picked up the skills he needed to survive against a ruthless foe. He won a commendation for bravery during the conflict, saving the lives of fellow officers. In the years since the war, he has risen to command USS Phoenix and looks forward to a quiet cruise of science and diplomacy. He won't get his wish.

Sulok is considerably more open minded than many Vulcans and doesn't see logic as the only possible path to a solution. Sulok speaks Federation Standard fluently, but with a slight southern drawl that he picked up from the people who taught it to him. That, his relatively relaxed demeanor, and dry wit often confuse those unfamiliar with him.

Curiously, Sulok doesn't know the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. He just never got the chance to pick it up.

A couple of tools I used here:

The Star Trek Adventures Character Creator app (unofficial).

This "Big List of Focuses" on Reddit.

One down, thirty to go!

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