Tuesday, July 30, 2024

#RPGaDay 2024, Introduction

I participated in #RPGaDay last year and - clearly not having learned my lesson - I'm doing it again this year. #RPGaDay poses a TTRPG related question for each day of August. It was launched by David F. Chapman on his AutoCratik blog. I'll be answering the questions daily on Mastodon and the RPG.net forums. Those responses will be compiled weekly on this blog and include additional commentary.

Each daily prompt can be answered as is. Alternately, the word in bold can be used as the prompt instead if the full question. It just depends on if the full question applies or if I just don't like it.

There's a new option available this year. Chapman admits that the prompts this year were rushed. As an additional alternative, he offered up a completely different set of prompts by Skala Wyzwania. I'll be resorting to this set if I don't care for either the full question or bolded word in Chapman's set of prompts.

Last year's weekly compilation posts are listed below:

#RPGaDay 2023, Week One
#RPGaDay 2023, Week Two
#RPGaDay 2023, Week Three
#RPGaDay 2023, Week Four
#RPGaDay 2023, Final Week

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