Wednesday, August 30, 2023

#RPGaDay 2023, Week Four

Part three of #RPGaDay2023 questions and my complied answers. Additional commentary in italics.

August 21

First a couple of honorable mentions. Modiphius' Robert E Howard's Conan for the care taken with the material. West End Games' Star Wars out of nostalgia. Both are solid examples of what can be done with a license.

My current favorite is Star Trek Adventures. It does a good job of supporting the "hyper-competent science nerds solving problems IN SPACE" game I want when running Star Trek.

I like it when I don't have to fight or perform surgery on a game to get it to do what I want.

August 22
Best SECONDHAND RPG purchase

I'll avoid going into my nostalgia-fueled quest to rebuild my childhood D&D/AD&D module collection. Instead, I'll make a selection from my stack of secondhand GURPS books - GURPS Traveller Far Trader. It's a weird choice for a weird reason. It breaks down economic concepts like comparative advantage in a way that's applicable to RPGs. Sure, I could just make stuff up. But I prefer to pretend to model these things.

August 23
COOLEST looking RPG product/book

I favor understatement in RPG materials. Weird fonts and cluttered layouts hamper my ability to read the book. Many things that might make a book look "cool" may turn me off it.

My current favorite is the Star Trek Adventures Gamemaster's Guide. Textured cover. Simple black text on white pages. Enough art to navigate around it. Even has a bookmark!

August 24

Of the RPGs I keep in rotation?

Let's face it, AD&D is a kludge of unrelated mechanics with a kitchen sink setting thrown in for good measure.

2d20 is a pile of moving parts that somehow runs smoothly once it gets rolling.

Many iterations of GUMSHOE are on the simpler end by design.

August 25

I haven't gotten around to giving FATE a try. The book's been on my shelf for awhile, but hasn't made the cut so far. There's also the Planet Mercenary RPG. That was a Kickstarter backer reward that didn't appeal as much as I hoped when I got my hands on it.

August 26

I like these D&D character sheets for players with dyslexia. A relatively simple layout with enough going on to be interesting without devolving into visual chaos.

Found out about them in this article:

August 27
Game you'd like a new EDITION of...

Pie in the sky response? D6 Star Wars.

There's no chance of this seeing the light of day.

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