Saturday, August 3, 2024

#RPGaDay 2024, Week One

The first week of RPGaDay 2024 was short. Only three days. In retrospect, combining the introductory post with this one would have been a really good idea.

All of these were previously posted on Mastodon and the forums. Additional commentary exclusive to this blog are in italics.

Day 1: "First RPG bought this year?"

This is awkward. I haven't bought any new TTRPGs this year.

Lancer? Pre-ordered in October 2023.

The Mothership Boxed Set? A Kickstarter reward for a pledge I made in December 2021.

The issue is that 2024 is the year I'm putting the games I have on my shelves in front of our group instead of adding to them. Lancer and Mothership were grandfathered in. I'm not buying new TTRPGs for a reason.

Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy didn't make the cut. It was a Black Friday Sale purchase from 2023 and arrived before Christmas.

I've also bought a few things from DTRPG this year. However, those were all adventures and supplements for games I already own. This is also part of my get more stuff from my collection onto the tabletop plan I had for this year.

Day 2: "Most recently played?"

As a #ForeverGM, I'm going with "most recently run" here.

Old School Essentials Advanced Fantasy. I slightly revamped D&D module B4 The Lost City and ran our group through it using OSE. We had a fun time with this classic adventure. We also faced challenges with the comparatively streamlined rules. Zargon went down swinging, but the party is now in need of an active volcano to finish him off.

I previously posted about the Nostalgia Tour campaign for OSE here on this blog. More posts on B4 The Lost City are on the way.

Day 3: "Most often played RPG?"

As a #ForeverGM, I'm combining "ran" and "played" here.

I've clocked in more hours with some flavor of D&D or another than anything else. Especially if I include other fantasy dungeon delving TTRPGs like 13th Age or OSE.

Honorable mention goes to Star Trek Adventures for dominating our table for years. We're taking a break this year for variety's sake, but it'll be back.

As a middle aged dude, it should come as no surprise that I started with D&D. All that time with all those editions piles up.

I am planning on bringing Star Trek Adventures back to the table at some point, but I'm not sure how the second edition will factor into that.

More next week!

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