Saturday, August 31, 2024

#RPGaDay 2024, Week Five

The fifth and final week of RPGaDay 2024 posts is here! All of these were previously posted on Mastodon and the forums. Additional commentary exclusive to this blog are in italics.

Day 25: "Desirable dice"

The ones I just saw. Online or at a FLGS - doesn't matter. The set that made my eyes widen in wonder and light up in joy. Just like the set I saw right before it. A shiny set of dice I don't own yet are the most desirable.

No, I'm not a dice goblin, you're a dice goblin!

I'm not a true dice goblin. I'm not even the biggest dice goblin in our group. But I understand the appeal.

Day 26: "Superb screen"

When I use one, I prefer half sized screens. The one in the Mothership boxed set is a good example. Doesn't get in the way as much. Still difficult to reach for minis and snacks, though.

I don't like the ones that feel like I'm erecting a wall between me and the rest of our group. The one for Star Trek Adventures 1e was terrible. I could've been napping behind the thing and nobody would've been the wiser.

The screens for some games feel like they were deliberately designed to completely isolate the GM from the players. Why go halfway? Throw in battlements, boiling oil, and a moat between me and the snacks! Oversized screens are a major factor in why gamemasters don't like using the things!

Day 27: "Marvelous miniature"

The one I saw on that one time. The one that costs an arm and a leg, plus international shipping. The one that doesn't fit into any game I have on the horizon, but just looks so gorgeous. The one that will sit, in its packaging, on my pile of shame for ages while I work up the nerve to prime it. Best miniature around.

I don't have a problem. You have a problem!

I may not be a true dice goblin, but the urge to add to my vast collection of unpainted miniatures is something I've learned to manage.

Day 28: "Mimic, Describe a Monster" (alternate prompt because I couldn't come up with a "Great gamer gadget")

A mimic that emulates the appearance of a quest giver.

BONUS: A mimic that emulates the appearance of a tavern, including a quest giver.

Gotta keep the players on their toes!

I feel that a GM putting a mimic into an adventure is already halfway to pure evil. Why not complete the journey?

Day 29: "Awesome app"

I've just started getting into Lancer and the more I learn about COMP/CON, the more I like what I see. Rules database. Character generation. Encounter building. It's an all in one package.

The executives at a certain other company would look at a free web app like COMP/CON and think "we're not monetizing things enough" to themselves.

It's Wizards. I'm referring to Wizards of the Coast.

Day 30: "Person you'd like to game with"

As a lifelong Star Trek fan, I'd go with Will Wheaton. Or Todd Stashwick as an alternative.

And, no, I wouldn't ask them to play Star Trek Adventures. That's a little too on the nose, I think!

I have no idea what I would do when confronted with Wheaton's infamous dice curse. Other than not letting him touch my dice collection, of course.

Day 31: "Gamer you miss"

I grew up a Navy brat. There are crowds of folks I moved away from and would like to see at the table again.

There are many things I regret about having to move every few years as a child. Not that I had a choice in the matter.

Final Thoughts

The prompts weren't quite up to the quality of previous years, but having Skala Wyzwania's alternates available more than made up for it. Prompts like these are a valuable exercise and I wish there were challenges like this out there. I hope that you had as much fun reading my responses as I had writing them!

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