Friday, June 7, 2024

2024 Tabletop Gaming Plan - Midyear Update

We're halfway through the year. Which is as good a time as any for me to take stock of how I'm doing with my 2024 Tabletop Gaming Plan.

Kick things off with a blast of nostalgia by revisiting some classic D&D and AD&D modules using Old School Essentials.

Our group just finished B4 The Lost City after a late start. The delay was to give me time to read through both OSE books and the module. Running it was a taste of how things were back when we got started with role playing games - both good and bad. The next module will be X1 The Isle of Dread, but we'll be playing through something else first to avoid campaign fatigue. I'll go into more details in upcoming posts.

Getting more of my RPG collection off the shelves and onto the tabletop.

OSE technically counts, but I'm planning on breaking out the likes of FATE Core or Night's Black Agents later this year.

Do something with the games I've Kickstarted or preordered as they come in this year.

The first of these - the Mothership boxed set - arrived last month. I'm reading through it now. Which is a large improvement considering all the times I left Kickstarter rewards collect a layer of dust before getting to them.

Make a dent in my pile of unread books (and not just RPGs).

I've made a dent. It's a smaller dent than I was hoping for, but it's more than I read in all of 2023.

Make a dent in my pile of shame (terrain and miniatures).

Yeah, not everything can be a win. Or even a qualified win. I need to put some paint on something soon.

Overall, I'm making progress in almost all areas. The OSE campaign is off to a great start. I'll likely run Mothership before marooning our group on The Isle of Dread. I'm reading more than I have in years. I just need to break out the brushes and get back into the habit of painting again.

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